collagen stimulation


As we journey through life, our collagen production starts to taper off, beginning in our late 20s to early 30s, decreasing by about 1% each year. Factors like smoking, stress, alcohol, UV exposure, and overall lifestyle may also accelerate this natural decline. 

At Nura Cosmetics we offer two types of injectable collagen stimulation, Bio-Stimulator and Bio-Remodellor.

Many of our clients are curious about the distinction between a bio-stimulator and a bio-remodeller. To help you understand and choose the best treatment that aligns with your goals: a bio-stimulator acts as a volumiser, bringing rejuvenated fullness to your features, while a bio-remodellor serves as an intense skin hydration, akin to a deep and nourishing drink for your skin.

Bio-stimulator (Sculptra)

Contains an ingredient called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). The micro-particles of PLLA prompt collagen production in the deep dermis, restoring inner skin structure and volume.

Bio-remodellor (Profhilo)

Incorporates high-concentration hyaluronic acid—a natural skin substance. Improving skin hydration, elasticity, and overall texture, providing an intense hydration boost for a fresher and more youthful appearance.

Both collagen treatments share the common principle of targeting the underlying causes of aging, rather than just addressing superficial symptoms. Our approach is holistic and thoughtful, ensuring that we nurture your skin to bring forth a naturally youthful and radiant appearance that reflects your inner beauty.

bespoke consultation

is it right for me?

At Nura Cosmetics, we know how complicated it can be to navigate through all the information in the world of aesthetic treatments. Our role is to guide you through this journey, and make you feel as comfortable as possible.

Our bespoke consultation appointments are all about crafting personalised, long-term treatment plans for our patients. We are here to understand your vision for your aesthetic goals over time, and work collaboratively with you to create a plan that algins with your budgets and timeline. We’re dedicated to ensuring a comprehensive approach to achieving facial harmony and enhancing your inner radiance.

During your consultation, we delve into all things skin health, address your specific concerns, explore available treatment options, and outline associated risks and benefits. This is an opportunity for you to openly ask questions and gain a deep understanding of your recommended treatment plan.

After identifying your goals, budget, and personalised treatment plan, we will walk you through every step, from pre-treatment preparation to post-treatment care. We set realistic expectations and ensure you feel well-informed and confident at every stage of your journey with us.


Injectable collagen stimulation known as bio-stimulators/bio-remodellors contain ingredients that stimulate the body’s natural collagen production process. The results are gradual but long-lasting.

Sculptra primarily focuses on restoring volume and stimulating collagen production. It’s ideal for addressing facial sagging and volume loss. Profhilo improves skin hydration and overall skin quality which is a great choice for individuals looking for a more refreshed appearance without adding volume.

Bio-stimulator involves a series of 2-3 spaced treatment sessions, generally 8-12 weeks apart, with additional maintenance sessions recommended every 12-24 months.

Bio-remodellor includes 2 initial sessions (4 weeks apart), with additional maintenance sessions recommended every 6 months.

Bio-stimulator effects are long-lasting, potentially lasting up to 2 years, while Bio-remodellor typically provides results for around 6 to 12 months.

Bio-stimulator contains lidocaine for built-in anaesthetic, resulting in minimal discomfort. Bio-remodellor involves slight stinging during injection.

Bio-stimulator – face, neck, decolletage and knees.

Bio-remodellor – face, neck, decolletage and hands.

It depends on individual aesthetic objectives. Sculptra is ideal for people seeking natural looking volume restoration, providing a more youthful look. Profhilo is best for skin hydration and overall improvement in skin quality. Consulting with our experienced injectors is essential to determine which treatment is best suited for your needs. We can assess your individual goal and create a personalised treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.

Bio-remodellor results can be seen 2 weeks after the first treatment, with optimal results achieved 8 weeks from your first treatment.

Following Bio-stimulator treatment, the immediate effect is a fuller and hydrated appearance due to the inclusion of several milliliters of sterile water in the solution. However, within 24 hours post-injection, your body will naturally eliminate this fluid. The injected poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) particles will then commence enhancing your natural collagen production. Visible results typically show within 2-3 months, with ongoing improvement anticipated over the next 12 months.

All pricing is listed on our online booking platform.

Typically for bio-stimulation most people will require 1-2 vials in their 1st session and an additional 1-2 vials in their 2nd session, 8-12 weeks apart.

Bio-remodelling treatment requires 1 syringe at the 1st treatment and another full syringe at their 2nd appointment 4 weeks later.

There is minimal downtime after a bio-stimulator treatment as majority of the product is administered by a blunt cannula therefore minimising the risk of bruising, swelling is typically minimal. 

After a bio-remodelling treatment there will be 5 lumps each side of your face which resemble a mozzie bite, usually subsiding within 12-24 hours.

While uncommon there is still a risk of bruising from both treatments.

It is best practice to plan your injectable treatments 4 weeks before any special events.

Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect and usually occurs immediately or within the first few hours after the procedure. It can last for a few days to a week, depending on the individual.

Bruising: Bruising at the injection site is also common and may appear as small, localised areas of discolouration. The bruising can vary in severity and typically resolves within a week or two.

Redness: Some redness or mild inflammation may occur at the injection site, which is usually temporary and subsides within a few hours to a couple of days.

Tenderness or sensitivity: The treated area may feel tender or sensitive to touch for a few days after the injection. This tenderness is usually mild and should improve over time.

Itching: Itching or a mild sensation of tightness may be experienced in the treated area. This is generally temporary and should resolve on its own.

Rare complications: Although uncommon, there is a risk of more serious complications such as infection, allergic reactions, or vascular occlusion (blockage of a blood vessel). If you experience severe pain, excessive swelling, significant discolouration (blanching white, mottled skin pattern) or any concerning symptoms or are otherwise concerned, it is important to seek advice from Nura Cosmetics immediately. It is vital to seek treatment if you have a suspected vascular occlusion, if untreated the surrounding tissue can become necrotic (tissue death).

Another rare complication can be nodules/granulomas (hard lumps) that can form under the tissue months to years after the injection. This reaction may be asymptomatic or have associated redness and swelling.

Pregnancy and breast feeding (treatment is discouraged due to limited safety evidence/ data).

Known allergy (anaphylaxis) to bees, lidocaine or hyaluronidase (Hyalase).

Acute/chronic illnesses (please disclose all known medical conditions).

Autoimmune diseases (please disclose all known medical conditions).

Known history of or susceptibility to keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring.

Infection at the injection site: treatment should be postponed if there’s an active infection at the injection site; it can proceed once the infection has cleared.

Medications: Some medications may interact with injectable treatments, please disclose all medications to your injector before treatment.

Recent vaccination: please wait two weeks before and after receiving any vaccinations.

Bleeding disorders: Those with bleeding disorders or on blood-thinning medications may have an increased risk of bruising and bleeding at the injection site.

Implants, screws and/or plates located in the treatment area.

Unmanaged/undiagnosed mental health illnesses including but not limited to body dysmorphia.

Under the age of 18 years old.

Preparing for your treatment

Take the following steps to minimise the risk of bruising:

Avoid exercise 1 hour before your appointment

24 hours before avoid: alcohol, caffeine, smoking/vaping

48-72 hours before avoid: blood thinning/anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or nurofen. (DO NOT stop taking these medications if prescribed by your doctor)

72 hours before start taking your antiviral medication if you are prone to cold sores

5 days before stop taking fish oil supplements

5 days before start taking arnica tablets

Arrive with clean and makeup free skin if feasible.

Please attend your appointment alone, unless granted permission by Nura Cosmetics prior to your appointment

Ensure you are well hydrated and have eaten no longer than 2 hours before your treatment.

Ensure you are fit and well for treatment, no current or recent infections/illnesses.

Please arrive on time or maximum 5 minutes early to your appointment.

Ensure you are in a good frame of mind, mental health assessments are performed during consultation, treatments will be postponed if deemed necessary.

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